FreeBlues 发表于 2012-4-21 10:40:16

用TIGCC搭建 Ti-89 开发环境的一点总结

本帖最后由 FreeBlues 于 2012-4-21 10:50 编辑

用TIGCC搭建 Ti-89 开发环境的一点总结


1、TIGCC的安装版本,选择那个最新的 0.96 Beta 10 这里下载: 可以减少一部分莫名其妙的错误,比如之前我装的比这个版本旧,手动打开TiEmu,它死活不认,换了新版本,就没事了;
2、建议先安装GTK+的支持包,再安装TIGCC,GTK+ 在这里下载:
3、安装好上面两个软件后,打开TiGCC,在“File/Preferences/Trasfer ”里设置目标机,就是你的程序准备放在哪里跑,选择TiEmu的安装目录下的执行文件就可以了;


#define USE_TI89
#define USE_TI92PLUS
#define USE_V200
#include <graph.h>
#include <kbd.h>

void _main(void)
static WIN_RECTrect = {0, 0, 100, 14};
ClrScr ();
FontSetSys (F_8x10);
DrawStr (3, 3, "Hello world!", A_NORMAL);
DrawClipRect (&rect, ScrRect, A_NORMAL);
ngetchx ();


include "OS.h"
xdef _nostub
xdef _ti89
xdef _ti92plus
movem.l d4/a5,-(a7) ;save d4 and a5
move.l $c8,a5 ;place the ROM_CALL jump table into a5
pea.l 3840 ;size to allocate
            ;(same as move.l #3840,-(a7), but more optimized)
move.l HeapAllocPtr*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;allocate the 3840 bytes
move.l a0,d4 ;save the address of the allocated handle to d4
tst.l d4
beq nomem ;if the pointer is NULL, quit the program
move.l #3840,(a7) ;size to copy
;This instruction is not really necessary because HeapAllocPtr will not modify the value which is
;already on the stack, but it is better not to rely on it.
pea.l $4c00 ;source: address of the screen
move.l d4,-(a7) ;destination: adress of the allocated handle
move.l memcpy*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;save the screen
lea.l 12(a7),a7 ;clean up the stack
;beginning of the main program
move.l ScreenClear*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;clear the screen
move.w #4,-(a7) ;look in the main folder
pea.l sym(PC) ;symbol to look for
move.l SymFindPtr*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;search for the variable
addq.l #4,a7
move.w 12(a0),(a7) ;The handle of the symbol is located at offset 12 of the SYM_ENTRY structure.
move.l HeapDeref*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;dereference the handle
move.w #4,(a7) ;pass the A_REPLACE attribute as an argument
pea.l 3(a0) ;skip the size of the variable and the zero byte at the beginning of the string
clr.l -(a7) ;pass x=0 and y=0 as arguments (We clear 4 bytes, 2 of them for x and 2 more for y.)
move.l DrawStr*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;display the content of the string
lea.l 10(a7),a7 ;clean up the stack
move.l ngetchx*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;wait for a keypress
;end of the main program
pea.l 3840 ;size to copy
            ;(same as move.l #3840,-(a7), but more optimized)
move.l d4,-(a7) ;source: adress of the allocated handle
pea.l $4c00 ;destination: address of the screen
move.l memcpy*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;restore the screen
addq.l #8,a7
move.l d4,(a7)
move.l HeapFreePtr*4(a5),a0
jsr (a0) ;free the allocated handle
addq.l #4,a7 ;clean up the stack
movem.l (a7)+,d4/a5 ;restore d4 and a5
dc.b 0,'datafile'
sym: dc.b 0
;The format of the symbols is special: You have to put a zero byte at the beginning and at the
;end, and the pointer must point to the final 0, not to the beginning.

FreeBlues 发表于 2012-4-21 10:43:02




白菜白 发表于 2013-3-22 21:26:19


chuxianbing 发表于 2013-4-28 19:53:31

tigcc的运行速度和 ti-89 的basic在速度上差别大不大啊

FreeBlues 发表于 2013-6-18 22:20:31

chuxianbing 发表于 2013-4-28 19:53 static/image/common/back.gif
tigcc的运行速度和 ti-89 的basic在速度上差别大不大啊

取决于程序的运算量, 一般小程序肯定看不出多少差别来
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